Forget Nukes! World War 3 is going to be spectacular. SEE WHY!!!

How WW3 might look like
The word World war three and Nukes are synonymous with each other and are always addressed in the same sentence. Top Military planners and leaders have predicted that the next global war will be fought with nukes, this is an almost certainty.

According to data exchanged on October 1, 2014 by Moscow and Washington, Russia has 1,643 deployed strategic warheads, compared with 1,642 for the US. Marginal difference in numbers but Russian land-based strategic forces have an explosive yield that is an order of magnitude greater than anything in the US. Moscow’s primary deterrent is the mighty SS-18, a single one of which can destroy an area the size of New York state.

Depiction of Highly specialize troops

The threat of nuclear device is clearly recognized by all country who possess such devastating device. However, the use of nukes against any other country which possess  their own nuclear device will definitely result in the destruction of both countries and their unfortunate neighbors  (Mutually Assured Destruction - MAD) .

This article is not about the use of nuclear devices in world war three but to highlight other military equipment systems that will be used on or before the first nuke strike.

Participants in World war three will showcase very strange and spectacular strategies and tactics, using military systems not really intended for such use. For example, in 2016, the Russian Naval Forces in Syria used a corvette to fire volleys of Long-Range Guided missiles onto targets miles away in Syria accurately. Such capabilities are quite new even for a technological giant like Russia and will likely be the mainstay in any future conflict.


In World War 3, we will see smaller military systems or forces taking on larger forces, small infantry units taking on specialized units, Special forces engaging enemy's own Special forces. Frigates taking on Destroyers and Cruisers. Today we are trying to put together different military platforms and units that might partake in any future conflict and make a strategic difference.

  1.  Special Forces Versus Special Forces
Mexican special forces

Its not a surprise that Special forces would be the first on the list, Most countries already own and operates a contingency of powerful special forces components. In WW3, Special forces will play a very vital role by degrading and destroying enemy's Communications and Command centers while also taking out Commanders simultaneously.
A future soldier concept
Special forces and special operations forces are military units trained to perform unconventional missions. Special forces emerged in the early 20th century,
Depending on the country, special forces may perform some of the following functions: airborne operations, counter-insurgency, "counter-terrorism", foreign internal defense, covert ops, direct action, hostage rescue, high-value targets/man-hunting, intelligence operations, mobility operations, and unconventional warfare.
Special forces are usually the first into a battle-theater and likely the last one to get out. Therefore it is highly likely that Special force units will meet and engage their rival units on the field defending strategic targets like headquarters, bunkers and high-valued equipment.

2. Corvettes VS Frigates, Frigates Vs Destroyers

a corvette firing a guilded missile
Modern naval vessels have evolved to an extent whereby they pack a lot of destructive punches. These corvettes and frigates carries very powerful supersonic anti-ship missiles. Due to the sophistication of new technologies, more smaller naval vessels are able to carry larger more powerful military equipment on-board such as the Russian example given above. As world economic crises keeps hitting hard majority of the worlds nations cannot afford very large ships for their navy so they opt for smaller ones with highly sophisticated targeting and fire-control system. Very few countries have destroyers, there are probably three times more corvettes and frigates than destroyers on this earth therefore most countries will fight with their corvettes against enemy frigates while frigates will engage enemy destroyers e.t.c
A Frigate firing an anti ship missile.

3. Robotic Systems Versus Human
Robotic systems of today

Robots or drones are the future of warfare, We are living in the first age of drone warfare.The three major reasons why drones are regarded as the future of warfare are: they remove the risk to our soldiers, they make fewer mistakes than other combat platforms, and technology will continue to improve such that drones become even more precise, efficient, and infallible in the future, thus rendering less precise, efficient and fallible human forms of war obsolete. During the Invasion of Iraq by US forces, on 23 December 2002. Predators drone armed with AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missiles were being used to "bait" Iraqi fighters, then run. In this incident, the Predator did not run, but instead fired one of its Stingers. The Stinger's heat-seeker became "distracted" by the MiG's missile and missed the MiG. The Predator was hit by the MiG's missile and destroyed. This was the first time in history a conventional aircraft and a drone had engaged each other in combat.

Unmanned patrol boat
In WW3, robotic systems and drones will be used by many countries. There will likely be cases where armored tanks will engage Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) armed with anti-tank missiles in combat. Soldiers will also face off terminator style robots which are stronger and faster. Also, search and destroy robotic mini-submarine will be used by more advanced countries to hunt for submarines and divers. The US Government is currently developing cheap drones that will attack in swarms and saturate enemy defences.

robot of the future
4. Laser system versus Satellites
A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits highly focused energy, transferring that energy to a target to damage it. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel systems, potential missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles such as cars, drones, watercraft, and electronic devices such as mobile phones.
Ground based laser as seen today
Lasar devices will shoot and destroy satellites in space with directed energy beam. In September, Lt. Gen. Bradley Heithold, the head of Air Force Special Operations Command, said he wants to put a 120-kilowatt laser on a next-generation AC-130J Ghostrider gunship by the end of the decade.

And last year, the US Navy tested a 20-kilowatt laser aboard the amphibious transport ship USS Ponce. Satellites will be armed with projectiles guided or laser although there is a law banning the arming of space-based systems and many countries are already signatory to the law. Satellites might also be covered with reflective materials to prevent attack against it by ground based laser.

Countries known to be developing ground based laser system includes:
  • US
  • Russia
  • China
  • U.K
  • France
  • Israel
  • India etc.

5. Quadcopter
A military quadcopter launching a drone
China is already home to many of the world's leading consumer drone builders, like DIY, not to mention a booming military robotics sector. As quadcopter drones get larger, cheaper and smarter its will inevitably get armed with guns or miniature sensors to assist troops in the field.

6. Drones Versus Drones

Well not much is known about the possibility of this occurring but at the rate where numerous countries keeps acquiring drones and robotic systems as their first line of defense/offence then it is quite safe to say that drones will engage each other first in any likely scenario.  

7. Stealth Vs Stealth

In aviation today stealth airplane are fast becoming the most sought after technology Stealth aircraft has the advantage of being almost invincible to some type of radar systems. An aircraft with stealth properties can penetrate most airspace easily if the defender doesn't have a highly sophisticated air defence system.

Steath planes are the pointy tip of most technologically developed countries and they go in first before any other non-stealthy plane can venture in. Such planes include B-2 stealth bomber. A defending country who possess stealth aircraft will likely send them up for Combat Air Patrols (CAP) over their home territory to deter enemy bombers from penetrating, this will more than likely cause two opposing stealth planes to engage in combat.

Ekene Lionel is the lead author in AfricanMiltary Blog. You can reach him at [email protected]


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